

Whether ACI is their ultimate SDN strategy, or just a consideration, IGNW helps YOU help THEM! 

ACI is so much more than the coolest new way to network. Getting ACI out of first gear requires a solid "application mode" strategy. IGNW will help your clients make ACI core to their Application, Cloud, Analytics and even DevOps strategies. IGNW executes ACI for maximum value, integrates advanced Cisco products into ACI, and consumes ACI API's in ways that will blow their mind- and yours. Oh- and competing against an SDN foe? We have the play for that too! 

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Target Audience

Customers who have adopted ACI and are adding more value or customers who are still early in defining their SDN strategy, Networking teams wishing to add more value, or Software teams who want to use SDN to help automate and improve release times and responsiveness.

  • IGNW’s ACI Supercharger gets customers thinking about SDN in new, practical ways.
  • IGNW bridges the gaps between the application, operations and infrastructure teams
  • IGNW can help the client understand how advanced Cisco capabilities will change how they think about networking, and add massive value
  • IGNW can make ACI sticky by incorporating it into customers Cloud, Security, Application strategy.
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What to Expect

All work is done in conjunction with the customer, Cisco and Cisco partners to help clients go beyond a ACI “network centric” mode and drive compounding value by sharing a comprehensive SDN strategy.

  • Workshops are customized to add the most value possible
  • Initial strategy meeting helps to scope and ensure alignment between Cisco VAR, Cisco team and IGNW
  • ACI is positioned as the top level SDN strategy, and we will help you neutralize competing platforms
  • Provide insights into application interaction and dependencies using Cisco ACI and Tetration
  • Learning and Doing- Customer works side by side with IGNW engineers/developers and Cisco account team

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What's in it for you

IGNW deeply integrates Cisco technologies and consumes Cisco APIs via tools, process and code into the customers most important digital initiatives.

  • You will define the clients SDN strategy and win more business, make ACI the defacto strategy, get introduced to the customers DevOps, Apps and Cloud teams while being far more sticky and relevant.
  • You can expect to create demand and win follow on business in advanced Cisco capabilities by piloting other Cisco technologies as part of the ACI Supercharger.
  • IGNW can help you tackle tough competitive technologies like Arista and NSX and win the deal.